Romans 8
A little short on hope, a little short on grace
In the dry county culture in which I was raised
Everyone looking down their nose at everybody else
And God was nothing more than an elf on a shelf
But living under a shadow of doubt
Ain’t what grace is supposed to be about
Later I learned the path to Heaven above
Isn’t pushed by fear but driven by love
And nothing can separate Christ’s love from me
And I’m fully forgiven, and finally free
So what shall we say then?
What shall we say then?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Macaroni and Elmer’s on the refrigerator door
Construction paper home décor
It’s not a work of art or a masterpiece
But it means the world to me
I’m not justified because of what I’ve done
But I’ve been adopted as a son
And though I’m a broken mess of a man
My pic is hangin in the halls of the promised land
I may not be perfect, but I don’t have to be
Because Christ was the perfect sacrifice for me.
So what shall we say then?
What shall we say then?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,